C-25.01, r. 4 - Rules of Practice of the Superior Court of Québec in Civil Matters

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No. (of the record, and nothing more)
Summary Declaration That the Record is Complete
In Accordance With Section 75 R.C.P.(S.C.)
(1) Questions in dispute:

(2) Examinations out of court, transcript of notes filed □.
(3) Documentary evidence communicated □.
(4) Affidavit evidence communicated □.
(5) Testimonial evidence by someone other than the party: name, subject matter of the deposition, in French (F), in English (E) or with an interpreter (I)
(a) F □, E □, I □

(b) F □, E □, I □

(6) Duration of my proof and argument: ______________________________ hours.
(7) Particular difficulties and measures for simplifying the hearing, avoiding a deposition:

I confirm that my record is complete and ready for proof and hearing.
Signed on ___________________________________________________________
Attorney for the applicant □, defendant □, or other □
Decision 2003-06-30, Form III A.